Engineering Invest IF GmbH develops financial models of implemented projects taking into account the risks arising in the financial market (credit̆ risk; interest ratĕ risk; liquidity risk; market̆ risk; operational̆ risk; various types of specific risks: military̆ risks; country̆ risks; legal̆ risks; risks of loss of reputation of the company, systemic ̆ risks ("domino effect" and a crisis of confidence among a wide range of investors)̆ international risks, natural disaster risks, counterparty risks, and others).
In the interests of a particular Customer, they can be developed and implemented:

- business investment strategy;
- a system of adaptive financial management and minimization of complex risks;
- innovative financial instruments;
- operational models of financial and credit operations based on the combination of acceptable financial instruments with specified estimates of risk and profitability parameters used in financing structuring, securitization, SPE, SPV, forfeiting, factoring, leasing, etc.

The specialists of Engineering Invest IF GmbH carry out for each specific object of financing:

- systematic analysis of sources and possible options for attracting financial resources and their provision;
- analysis, assessment of all types of risks and development of an integrated risk management system;
- development of a financing model for a specific project.